Whenever you plan to make a new repair in your home, you always need to get rid of old elements of home design. Most often, such problems arise when removing old wallpaper from the surface. Many owners want to do this very quickly and efficiently, but not every time they succeed!
How to do this without spending a lot of your time and energy? Our article will help you in this matter. You will find out how very quickly you can remove the old wallpaper so tired of you.
It often happens that many people have no problems with removing wallpapers. But in many cases during the repair, to remove them, you have to make a lot of serious efforts. However, on the other hand, such ordinary work can lead to a bunch of other unexpected problems.
The easiest way to get rid of the old wall decorations of the interior is the method of soaking them in cold water and immediately slow torn off the wallpaper from the surface using a metal spatula. But not all wallpaper can be removed so quickly in this way. It happens that you have to use other methods.
Today there are many different ways to dismantle wallpaper. But we will not list everything, but we will voic only the simplest, most effective and quick ways.
So, if your old wallpapers still firmly stuck to the wall, they must be wetted with hot water and detergent and at the same time moisten the entire surface with a brush. Wait for about 10 minutes, while the entire solution is completely saturated into the surface of the wallpaper, and then take up their dismantling. In that case, we also recommend using a metal spatula. After this procedure, removing old wallpapers should not cause you any problems. But what to do if your wallpaper continues to hang tightly? In this case, you can still remove old wallpapers from the wall and in another way, while using steam. You can take, for example, an iron and from a distance of several centimeters from the wall, use a jet of hot steam to the wallpaper. You can wait a little again and you can already shoot them. All these methods are quite simple and effective, do not require maximum efforts!
All of the above methods for removing old wallpapers should help you that your wallpaper easily peel off from the surface and leave no traces.
In such ways, you can easily get rid of wallpaper and is already fully prepared for the following repair work!