It is impossible to live in society and be free from society, so he said in.And.Lenin – leader of the world proletariat. Spoke for a very long time, and these words have not yet lost relevance. And each of us was convinced of this more than once. This is especially felt at work, where everyone with each other is closely connected by mutual duties and working relations. But in the life of the team there are not only everyday life, but also holidays. These are the birthdays of colleagues, weddings, anniversaries, the birth of children who are celebrated in one way or another.
Small or large feasts are arranged somewhere, and somewhere they are limited to gifts and congratulations. It all depends on the cohesion and cohesion of the team and the relationship between its members. In any case, the question arises: which gift to choose a gift?Korpoativnye-Podarki-Dlya-Sotrudni and the answer to this question is not at all as simple as it seems. According to research, 10% of respondents were unhappy with the gift that colleagues gave them. Many would like to choose a gift for themselves, and instead they would prefer that colleagues give them money.
What are the gifts must be given so that they make an indelible impression on the donee and remain in memory for a long time? There are many prohibitions on what it is impossible to give colleagues, for example, things that become things of personal everyday life. In men, these are ties, belts, shirts, women have cosmetics, clothing items. Such gifts suggest closer relationships than at work, so you need to give gifts that will not oblige a person to anything.
A traditional gift for a woman – flowers, can be combined with fruits. Men will suit a gift in the form of a bottle of good wine. Giving a colleague a gift in the form of a set of dishes is another good idea, especially since the dishes are now expensive, and the farm as they say, everything will come in handy.
Instead of an envelope with money, which, as a rule, are spent on the needs of the family, if a family is a family one, it is better to give a certificate: women-on a visit to a spa or a beauty salon, for the purchase of jewelry or tickets to the theater, for a concert of a beloved artist. Men are more suitable for a pool or gym, as well as tickets for a well -known football match or hockey. We must not forget that colleagues spend most of the time in the office, so pleasant little things in the form of a set of handles, a beautiful calendar, a stylish diary, a convenient office chair will always be appropriate for them.