Currently, architectural lighting and illumination of facades of private houses plays an important role in creating the design of country houses. Indeed, in order to emphasize the individuality of the residential building, it is necessary to spend a large number of creative efforts and financial resources. But if the desired result is achieved, the owner of the house may fully plunge into harmony.
Today, architectural lighting and illumination of facades of houses is conditionally divided into three types, including architectural illumination of facades of country houses and cottages, relief lighting and active lighting itself. The main differences between the lighting of the facades of residential buildings and architectural lighting are not so much in the area of highlighted buildings elements, but in the plane of the features of their use and the methods of lighting. Therefore, at the first stage of creating a plan of future lighting, it is necessary to take into account these features, and try to correctly combine the lighting of buildings in a single composition, and the color compositions located around them.
Practice shows that the largest difficulties in the process of manufacturing the lighting of the facades of buildings arise due to the selection of the necessary devices and their further placement on the facade of the house. It should not be forgotten that aesthetics is no less important adding to the main lighting function – creating a comfortable, convenient and safe place.
Having made artistic backlight of the facade, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of prevailing aesthetic goals. This is due to the fact that when using this kind of backlight in a metropolis, its role as a source of main lighting is significantly weakening.
When developing the plan of the future lighting of the facade of the building, it is necessary to first take into account the geographical position of the object and the features of the landscape located around the landscape, which will subsequently influence the selection of light sources. In addition, the methodology used for the manufacture of backlight will depend on the active purpose of the structure itself.
One of the most common methods for organizing the facade of the building, at present, is a technology that provides for a combination of large -sized spotlights of saturated bright light and small spotlights of directed light power.